Contract-Free Tutoring
Open today
3:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Contract-Free Tutoring
Pay-as-you-go quality home tutoring Years 8-12 in Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, website: www.contract-free-tutoring.com.au Preferred Contact: MOBILE 0405 582 333Highly qualified tutors come to your home, without formal contracts, on a pay as you go basis. Each tutor will be a specialist in at least one or two major high school subjects including: Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Accounting, etc. Tutoring rates vary slightly according to the age of students, ranging from $42 to $50 per hour. A small distance loading may be charged if a tutor must travel more than 15 Km to your home.
Usually one hour of tutorial time per major subject per week is necessary to assist students through their high school years. Times are flexible and arranged by amicable agreement. Tutorials may be cancelled or re-scheduled by mutual agreement in the event of contingencies, provided reasonable notice is given. For example there may be no need for tutorials during extended school holidays, etc. Mature age students, and sometimes university undergraduates can also be tutored. ...read more
Contact details
Opening Hours Detail
- Flexible Hours by Appointment
- Contact 24 hours
- Times Vary - call for details
- Open Public Holidays
Payment options
- Cash
- Cheque
- Direct Deposit
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