Coogee Remedial Therapies
Open today
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Coogee Remedial Therapies
Better Health - NaturallyCoogee Remedial Therapies is based in the heart of the Eastern Suburbs and offers you remedial massage and yoga to help you enhance your day to day life by experiencing an inner sense of wellbeing and wholeness as you ease the tension and stress from your life. Connie offers lifestyle counselling on diet, exercise and stress reduction to get the most out of day to day living.
Connie has a wealth of experience in hands on remedial bodywork over the past 25 years from her training and practice in the USA and Australia. She is a very effective and skilful therapist who 'tunes in' to your body's needs and leaves you both relaxed and energised. Connie really cares about the wellbeing of her clients.
She believes in a balanced life, a healthy lifestyle and living in harmony with nature, her motto is 'Keeping people healthy, more
Contact details
Payment options
- Gift Vouchers
- Cash
- Direct Deposit
- Massage and Yoga
Opening Hours Detail
- By Appointment (Only)
- Appointments Available
- Times Vary - call for details
- Flexible Hours by Appointment