Diane Cheal Acupuncture
Diane Cheal Acupuncture
Beautiful acupuncture especially suited to your needs.The Practice and Art of Japanese Acupuncture has taken on characteristics that make this therapy different to other styles of acupuncture. These include a strong emphasis on palpation, sensory awareness of Ki arrival, root and branch approaches to the treatment and the use of direct moxa in its different forms. There are many styles of acupuncture practiced in Japan. Out of these many styles, there are three major styles Traditional Japanese Acupuncture & Moxibustion (which includes Meridian Flow Therapy), Modern Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion ( Which uses biomedical diagnosis to determine point selection and treatment), and TCM based Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Chinese Medicine style Acupuncture practiced in Japan).
Initial Consultation and Treatment $75
Follow up Treatment $65 more