Cosmetic Surgeons
Dr Abbie Acupuncture
Dr Abbie Acupuncture
When you feel good, it shows. When you feel good you look good.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture �facelift�, cosmetic rejuvenation, works on treating the constitution of each person. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic therapy that treats the mind, emotion and body.
What it can do �
Lift droopy eyelids
Erase frown lines
Redefine cheekbones and jaw lines
Soften ingrained lines
Tighten chin muscles
Sculpt jaw line and cheek bones
Encourages blood flow and collagen production
Enhance skin parlor and give a hydrated appearance to skin tone
The reason it works so effectively, is due to the fact that Chinese Medicine treats and responds to the reasons the lines are in the face in the first more
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