Dr Chris Eddy Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Open today
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Dr Chris Eddy Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Melbourne Acupuncture Clinic for treatment of Pain, Fertility, Skin and Digestive Complaints with gentle acupuncture and Chinese herbal MedicineChris trained extensively in China and Australia for 6 years and in addition, has over 10 years clinical experience with many pain, fertility, digestive and skin disorders. At the city clinic we treat a variety of health disorders including: Male and female fertility, Male health (prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, BPH, Peyronies, etc) Gynaecology (period pain, irregular periods, PMS, etc), Musculo-Skeletal Pain (neck, back, shoulder and ankle pain), Skin Problems (eczema, psoriasis and acne), Headaches, Anxiety and Digestive Problems such as Irritable Bowel, Crohn's and Colitis.
Chris is also a clinical supervisor in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine at RMIT university, and passes his clinical experience on to students when not practicing in his busy clinic on Little Collins St.
Chris has a very honest, gentle, thorough and practical approach to conditions and disorders of the body. If you are interested if Chinese medicine is the right approach for you and if Chris has the particular clinical experience in your specific condition, please email us or call the clinic on the number above.
We look forward to hearing from you and setting your goals towards better more
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- Appointments Available