Toys & Computer Games Retailers
EB Games
171 Mann St
Gosford, NSW, 2250
What sets EB Games stores apart is their customer service. As a company, their video game stock is basically the same country-wide and their prices are fixed. However, individual stores are able to have entirely different feels based on their friendly (or not so friendly) staff. Unfortunately for Gosford, this store suffers from some of the worst customer service I've experienced. The only employee I've seen in there (and I've been there numerous times) seems disinterested in everything around them, and will often talk down to customers. I went in there to inquire about an upcoming release, and they did not look up from their phone. Literally. They kept typing on their phone as they said monotonously Hi, how are you? and remained that way for the duration of the short conversation. The Gosford store has a lot to learn from their other stores.