Providing toxic-free, eco-friendly Therapeutic Massage for those searching for their Highest Health.EcoTherapies is an environmentally-conscious massage service that brings healing back to it's utmost holistic roots by servicing you with the highest quality organic oils & sustainably-sourced, animal-friendly equipment to lessen the impact of our indulgences & maintenance on this earth.
Providing you with an environment in which to rest & heal that is free of harmful chemicals and toxic systems, we strive to ensure your time with us is the best care the planet can provide you, without taking anything away from it in return.
Applying this thinking to our business ensures that we can continue living the way we do with high hopes of a beautiful and lasting future for ourselves, our families & our children's children.
Operating from within the "Made Gorgeous" Salon & the Coburg Leisure Centre, we deliver the haven you need to reduce stress & tension in your body and mind, so that you may grow, flourish & thrive in this hectic lifetime.
- Elle King, certified Massage Therapist for EcoTherapies, more
Contact details
- Shoulders
- Neck
- Deep Tissue
- Head
- Swedish
- Full Body
- View more (5)
Opening Hours Detail
- By Appointment (Only)
Payment options
- Cash
- PayPal
- Direct Deposit
- Provides Relaxation
- Swedish
- Deep Tissue & Sports Massage services.