Edgecliff acupuncture
Edgecliff acupuncture
Getting to the point of your health issueAcupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and facilitates improved function. It achieves this by stimulating a physiological response via the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into prescribed points on the body.
In fact acupuncture needles are up to 22 times finer than hypodermic needles (injection needles) resulting in a mostly subtle insertion sensation, one of heaviness or no sensation at all.
Throughout its 4000 years of clinical develpoment, generations of Chinese physicians discovered which points stimulate the nervous system specifically required for an individual's particular presentation.
Acupuncture is a natural medicine that:
* provides drug free treatment.
has very few, if any side effects.
* treats the underlying cause of disease and illnes as well as the symptoms.
* provides an holistic approach to the treatment of disease, illness and pain patterns.
* assists in prevention against disease and illness as well as the maintenance of general well more
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