Fairy Godmother Domestic Services
"Performing miracles for you"Fairygodmother Domestic Services is a small "family friendly" buisness looking to provide you, the client, with a range of comprehensive domestic services useful to your lifestyle. Your service can include,general household cleaning of all household areas from kitchen to bathroom to living areas, a favourite to many of our clients. Our duties also provide for a cooking service, if requested, from simple family recipes eg. Spaghetti Bolognese to gourmet style cooking/or even dinner parties eg.Thai dishes...we find this service popular with many of our busy families who are looking for a home cooked meal at the end of a busy day or may just want extra meals in the freezer... ready for heating and eating quickly. A full washing and irioning service is also available while we multitask with other duties around your home.Child care is also offered by our qualified and screened operators...if requested...that extra pair of trained hands is always a blessing with little ones. Lastly not forgetting the smaller members of your family ... if Pet Care is needed we are more than happy to take care of these duties too.
Thankyou for reading our web page and we look forward to "performing miricles for you" ...read more
I was so impressed,the cleaners came in and were very proffessional, it was a fantastic wieght off my shoulders as a busy mum of four to be able to leave the cleaning and housework (including my irioning) to them while I got on with my day.... sincerely many thanks Fairygodmother.....you really did perform miracles for this busy mum