GLUE Landscape Design
Open today
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Mosman Park
WA, 6012
GLUE Landscape Design
"Landscapes that belong"GLUE Landscape Design is a passionate landscape design service focused on the creation of landscapes which belong.
GLUE (Genius Loci Urban Ecological) Landscape Design is a student based company aiming to provide high quality garden design at a competitive price.
Above all, we have a passion for establishing and improving Perth landscapes by responding to the "Genus Loci" the Spirit of Place.
Our Philosophy:
Genius Loci: The distinct atmosphere, the character and pervading spirit of a place or region.
Ecological design: Any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes.
- Urban landscapes that reflect and celebrate the unique natural character of their location.
- Urban landscapes that integrate harmoniously with the natural systems in which they exist, enhancing not inhibiting the function of these systems.
- Urban landscapes that meet the needs of occupants and become integral parts of their lives, fostering the connection between humans and the natural world.
A landscape that belongs:
- Will not require excessive water
- Will not require excessive maintenance
- Will not require excessive chemical inputs
- Will enhance natural processes and systems
- Will amaze and inspire new arrivals and visitors
- Will Protect global biodiversity
- Will be inhabitable by local fauna
- Will blur the distinction between natural and human environment
- Will encourage the use of external spaces
- Will accommodate differing aesthetic tastes
- Will be something to be proud more