Counselling & Mental Health
Growing Awareness Counselling
Growing Awareness Counselling
Holistic Individual and Relationship Counselling for healing, transformation and growthThe reasons people come to counselling are as many and varied as human beings. You may find yourself challenged by a life situation, relationship or inner experience which is causing you distress or difficulty. You might right now be facing a time where you want or need to do something about it. Taking steps to meet this challenge can be part of transforming it from a problem to be solved into an opportunity to create a richer, deeper and more meaningful life for yourself.
It means a great deal to share what you truly think and feel with another person and have them accept and support you. It can be difficult to find relationships where we can speak honestly and openly about what is happening inside us. The right counselling relationship is one where this becomes possible. From a foundation of trust and openness, deep and lasting change can happen. It is important to find a counsellor who can meet you in this way.
Counselling offers an opportunity to speak about, clarify and explore whatever is happening for you. The questions and direction of the counsellor will help you get to the deeper layers of your experience. Through this process, what you truly feel, want and need will become more apparent.
It can also be helpful at times to move beyond thinking and talking about what is happening for you. Growing Awareness Counselling has the strengths of traditional counselling whilst also making use of broader and more holistic approaches. Counselling tools, techniques and perspectives are offered from both modern psychology and traditional spiritual practices.
If you think I may be able to help you create the change you are seeking in your life, please feel free to contact me to discuss your particular situation or find out more about what I more