Alternative Medicine
Holistic Health Centre
Holistic Health Centre
mind,body and emotions in balanceHealth is an integration of mind, body and emotions in equilibrium or balance. Holistic literally means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When balance is disrupted suddenly by trauma or grief, or more gradually by wrong life choicesin diet, exercise and lifestyle, then disease can follow. Addressing all parts of our being as a whole: mind, body and the spirit or soul from where our emotions stem brings about balance so that our bodies can heal themselves. Holistic Health is attending to the whole person, the mind, body and emotions and only then can you achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Combining chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathy, diet, weight control, exercise, remedial massage, bowen therapy and lyphatic drainage systems can be brought back to equilibrium, biophysical structure balanced, biochemical reactions restored and bioenergetic pathways revitalised.
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