Medical Centres
Chines Medicine, Acupuncture, Clinical skin laser.Plus Plus Clinic, the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Specialists In Melbourne. One tiny needle ... a fleeting sensation in your skin ... the start of some very big changes for your body! At Plus Plus Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine clinic Melbourne, we've helped thousands of people to:
â?¢ Alleviate musculoskeletal, joint pain, sports injuries, shoulder pain, chronic back pain
â?¢ Reduce the frequency and severity of migraines
â?¢ Treat symptoms of asthma
â?¢ Improve chances of conceiving and increase fertility
â?¢ Boost Low energy and male libido
â?¢ Battle depression, relieve stress,
â?¢ Support cancer patients
â?¢ Stop addiction to cigarettes/ quit smoking acupuncture
â?¢ And to have their looks reflect their new found inner more
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