Image Orthodontics
Image Orthodontics
Your smile is one of the first things we notice when we meet someone.Dr. Sepehr Tabatabaee (Sep) was awarded Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Azad University in 2000. He worked in private sector and academic world locally and internationally for 12 years. Being a clinical tutor in Griffith University for final-year future dentists, he became strongly interested in the art and science of orthodontics and smile design. He started his three-year orthodontic training at the University of Queensland where he obtained a Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry in orthodontics. Additionally, he gained Membership in Orthodontics, a specialist orthodontic examination directed by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Sep is also a member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Australian Society of orthodontists (ASO), the Australian Orthodontic Board, and the Australian Dental Association.