Inner West Holistic Health
Inner West Holistic Health
Helping you to move well, free from pain and enjoy increased vitalityWorking to balance the nervous system by removing interferences along the spine, Chiropractic allows you to return to your daily life free from pain with increased function and vitality. Initial consultations are thorough, where Aline goes through the history of your symptoms to get to the cause of your problem, and address that for long term relief and not just a temporary fix.
Spinal and cranial adjustments are safe and effective, and are performed on the day of your initial consultation. Aline combines soft tissue therapies, exercise, nutritional and lifestyle guidance in her consults.
You may seek chiropractic care if you are looking for wellness maintenance and increased energy levels, or if you have symptoms such as: (but not limited to)
Neck and shoulder pain
Low back pain
Headaches and/or migraines
Breathing difficulties associated with anxiety
Tingling/numbness in arms/legs
Aline has a passionate interest in women's health.� She has had great results with women's conditions such as, chronic pelvic pain, menstrual pain, pre and post natal care.
Drawing on her own experiences, she hopes to empower women to take control of their wellbeing, and hopes for a chance to guide them on how to feel stronger, without pain and more energised in their own bodies to enjoy and excel in life and experience optimal health.
She looks forward to meeting you, and helping you on your journey towards more