Property Management
Judy Harrow Property Management
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Judy has been very kind, and understanding. She gave myself and my small child a chance at a home, and it made the world of difference to us. Jess has been amazing, polite and proactive. I always enjoyed our chats at inspections.
Ben has always been respectful, kind and easy to speak to.
Judy harrow rentals have been hand down, THE BEST real estate agents I've ever had the pleasure to rent from. All and any maintenance requests were acted upon promplty, with no questions asked. Inspections were always conducted with reasonable expectations, respectfully and on time. I was never stressed when an inspection was due, as they were always so pleasant. I am saddened to leave the rental with them, I've left on very positive terms. I really hope to be able to rent from them again someday in the future. Thank you so much to the team at Judy harrow rentals for being so good to us.
The biggest mistake of my life was having Jhpm manage my investment. Your tenants will be neglected and your name dragged threw the mud you will think everything is fine on paper for years till you decide to sell. This mistake cost our family more money than I could ever have imagined, they are not capable of managing anything and I can't imagine what it's like for the tenants if its been this hard being a landlord thew them. Choose carefully!