Kahuna Bodycare
A unique professional high quality Kahuna Bodywork.The services provided by Kahuna Bodycare are :
Kahuna Bodywork (Lomi Ka'aleleau), Massage, Mana Lomi and Backwalking.
Available on site seven days a week at the beach-front treatment room, in South Golden Beach, NSW, 15Km from Byron Bay .
Mobile massage and bodywork can also be offered at your own space. In addition these services can be provided for retreats with a team of practitioners.
By Hielrick Georges Dajon
Qualified Kahuna Bodywork Therapist (Diploma)
Member of the Kahuna Training Guild since 2009
The fluid rhythmic movements, the long strokes
and pressure points will be applied all over your body with great sensitivity, in perpetual motion with Ki energy.
The session will leave you feeling relaxed, de-stressed, nourished.
As tensions subside, you will spontaneously comeback to yourself and your natural state of being: aligned, balanced and centered, physically, emotionally and mentally.
All techniques are applied within the Principles of Kahuna Bodywork
Respectfully performed in the lineage of Kahu Abraham Kawaii, Kahuna creator of Kahuna Bodywork.
Kahuna Bodywork is a very deep and beautiful high quality
bodywork that goes far beyond massage.
It facilitates the flow of life force, re-balancing, re-alignment and communication between all parts of your being.
It is an amazing modality to enhance self-awareness.
For more information, please contact me or visit my ...read more
Contact details
Payment options
- Cash
- Direct Deposit
- Gift Vouchers
- PayPal
Opening Hours Detail
- Open Public Holidays
- Times Vary - call for details
- By Appointment (Only)