Katherine Laugher Acupuncture
Increase Energy, Reduce Pain, Eliminate StressServices:
* Acupuncture (first time or needle shy patients welcome)
* Trigger point release
* Moxibustion (rice grain, heat perception, needle head, tiger warmer, dragon warmer)
* Gua Sha
* Cupping
* Tui Na
* Qi Gong
* Tai Chi
* Dietary advice
Areas of Interest
* Chronic Pain, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Headache
* Sports injury, Back pain, Neck pain, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica, Tennis elbow
* Women?s Health, Menstrual problems, Fertility, Pregnancy support, Menopause
* Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep disturbance, Addiction & Smoking cessation
* Digestion, IBS, Constipation, Heartburn, Weight control
* Asthma, Sinusitis, Rhinitis
* General Health & Wellbeing, Immune support, Low energy
* Hypertension
* Stroke
ABN: 62 899 758 698
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia: CMR0001854350
Member of A.A.C.M.A.
Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture)
First Aid
Health Fund Rebates available
First session: 1.5 hrs $70
Follow up: 45min - 1 hr $70
Concession rates ...read more
Contact details
Payment options
- Cash
Opening Hours Detail
- Flexible Hours by Appointment