Kids Yoga Education
Kids Yoga Education
We offer kids yoga teacher training courses, so that children of all ages can blossom and grow in mind, body and spirit.Would you love to teach yoga to kids?
Kids Yoga Education advocates utilising the tools and practices of yoga for children in various ways. Our yoga teacher training courses are designed to provide structured, high quality lessons in a supportive environment. Participants will learn how to teach yoga effectively to children, in a relatively short space of time.
Our courses highlight the benefits of yoga for children to:
Build resilience.
Develop a more positive self-image.
Harness life-skills to help deal with stress, anxiety, anger and fear.
Contribute to the positive growth and development of children, including their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Our teacher training programs include teaching for preschool, primary (junior and senior) and teenagers. We also offer a program in class planning and assessments.
We're based at Emu Heights in Western more
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Payment options
- Direct Deposit
- PayPal
Opening Hours Detail
- Times Vary - call for details