Let's Insure
Currently open
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
NSW, 2067
Let's Insure
Let's protect you and your family’s lifestyleAt Let's Insure we do everything we can to provide Australians with affordable and easy-to-get insurance options at every stage of life. We offer a range of insurance products and a variety of optional extras and value adds, to help you best protect the financial future of your family.
Contact us at for more details.
It was so uncomfortable to talk about the idea of me putting aside some money for my own funeral with my family. When my grandson suggested professional firms specializing in funeral insurance, the idea of actually approaching one was still awkward. However, a telephonic discussion with the friendly people at Let's Insure did allay my fears somewhat. It was a consultation with them that sealed the deal, because they made me comfortable and explained the terms and conditions in a simple, friendly manner.