LUXOR Light Ascension
Learn Love FirstEgypt Spiritual Travel and Energy Intuitive: As a gifted energy intuitive ChristinA is able to assess your energy field and see where your imbalances occur and initiate a shift in consciousness in order to bring about healing.
Ascension Healing: ChristinA is the Founder and channel for the LUXOR Light Healing frequency. This powerful Ancient Egyptian energy can assist you to a
? More awareness and expanded consciousness
? Increased energy and self trust
? Removal of fear and doubt
? Clear understanding of ones own path
? Greater connection or access to source/spirit
? Increased ability to come from the heart, to love self and others
? Karma clearing
Meditation: ChristinA holds regular meditation classes working with attuning one to working with the global energies in order to be in tune with the Earths energies and to prepare for the shifts of consciousness coming into the planet.
LUXOR Light is an accelerated system of healing directed through the process of meditation. This particular system can awaken you to your Mastery and prepare you to step into that which you were born to do. A three part programme of preparation will lead you to the opportunity to become a LUXOR Light healing facilitator working with the energies Master Serapis Bey and the Siruis connection and Lord Hilarion of the Temple of Truth and the Orion Connection.
ChristinA is gifted with the Language of Light and can assist you to awaken to the Higher Universal Mind through the acceptance of Encodements Keys. Through sound healing of the Language of Light you can work to clear discrepencies in the DNA, Mind Grids, Karmic, Akashic records and complete to the Core Soul Level.
Egyptian Ascension Tours: ChristinA lives part of the year in Luxor and offers unique opportunities to open your power of presence in Egypt through the meditation tours on board a luxory 45ft traditional Egyptian yacht throughout the year. more
Contact details
- LUXOR Light Ascension Healing
- Spiritual Tours
- Meditation