Clothing Retailers
Millers Fashion Club
Millers Fashion Club
Millers has everyday fashion essentials targeted at the value conscious 50 plus year old mother and daughter.Join us in our Preston shop and let us help find what you are looking for.
This shop is so squashy that you can't really look at things properly. I don't understand why Millers moved into such a tiny shop when they had a huge shop prior to this. I don't even bother going in anymore as you constantly knock into people and the clothes are so tighly packed onto racks you can't see anything.
Hello, not sure if you've been in recently, but thankfully Millers have been in a much larger shop for the better part of 18 months. While the Northland renovations were going on, we had no choice in being temporarily moved to a much smaller space. Hope this helps! Former Millers Casual, now at Autograph.