What a wonderful *find* this store was :-) We have actually walked past it so many times before without even giving it a glance, but this time a sword in the window caught my eye, so into the store we went! Well, it was just jammed packed with *everything* from soft toys to bobble heads, swords and TV show memorabilia - the Knight Rider Car, Car from *Supernatural*, t-shirts, key-rings, special occasion gifts - 21st, 50th etc, board games, wall decorations, pretty cushions, candles, cards and wrapping paper and so much more. The staff were so friendly and took time to explain the swords they have for sale - which ones are just *ornaments*, which ones are more real and what shows the swords represented, IE The Walking Dead. It was a lot of fun looking around from little quirky gifts (a bottle shaped bottle opener with your name on it), to cute fluffy toys to give to a loved one. If you love TV memorabilia this is the place to go :-)