Alternative Medicine
Northern Health Acupuncture
Currently open
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Northern Health Acupuncture
Safe & Effective Healthcare That Works!Do you suffer from pain? Stress? Low energy? See & feel difference today and experience Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr Dimitri Didaskalou (Chinese Medicine) has over 8 years of clinical experience, treating an extensive range of medical conditions, including low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, stress & depression, weight loss and digestive issues. Dr Dimitri has a special interest in using drug-free approaches for pain conditions and also treating children and senior health concerns. He utilises all major aspects of TCM, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese nutritional therapy and acupressure to bring the optimal healing experience to his patients. Private health fund rebates welcome. Dr Dimitri is AHPRA registered and AACMA accredited.
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- Visa
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Opening Hours Detail
- Flexible Hours by Appointment
- Appointments Available