Pulse Acupuncture
Mobile Acupuncture PracticePracticing since 2009, Acupuncturist Tia Yoong treats a wide range of conditions including specializing in fertility. Classically trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tia also uses nutritional supplements in her prescriptions. Ask Tia about testing for heavy metals and mineral profile.
Tia's mobile Acupuncture practice means you don't even need to leave the house to seek treatment, she comes direct to you.
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I first went to Tia for treatment on a shoulder injury. I could barely move my arm and after one treatment I had more movement and the pain I was in was partially relieved. With further treatments my shoulder improved significantly. She also treated underlining causes including stress and digestion issues. She is extremely professional with a very caring honest nature. I now use her for overall wellbeing as well as specific needs. She is very honest in the number of treatments I needed and I knew I was getting the exact treatment without feeling obligated to have ongoing regular appointments. I wouldn't go anywhere else for acupuncture now. The best in Brisbane