Ravae Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Ravae Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Ravae Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice located in scenic Mount Evelyn. TCM is a complete medical system that employs Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Remedial Massage (Tui Na), dietary therapy and exercise to treat disease and balance the body in order to achieve optimal health and well being. TCM can treat a wide range of conditions including; pain, headaches and migraines, anxiety, sports injuries, digestive disorders, autoimmune conditions, chronic lifestyle diseases, gynaecological issues, fatigue, sleep disorders, skin, facial rejuvenation and respiratory conditions.
Our practitioner Rachael is also trained in Cosmetic Acupuncture which can brighten your skin, soften fine lines, increase firmness and skin tone to enhance your beauty and contribute to your overall well being.
Our practitioner is nationally registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia and the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA). She completed her studies in Australia and travelled to Taiwan to complete a medical internship. In addition to running her TCM practice Rachael works as a sessional lecturer at the Southern School of Natural more
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Payment options
- Visa
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- Cash
Opening Hours Detail
- Times Vary - call for details
- Flexible Hours by Appointment