Concrete & Cement
Redicrete Pty Ltd
During April/May 2007 redicrete provided the concrete for a driveway and patio at my home. To ensure there would be no problems, I faxed them the formula for the colour I wanted. When the job was completed, I allowed 3 months for the concrete to fully dry but it was very inconsistent in colour. In August 2007 I met with a Redicrete manager on site who agreed it was not a good result and promised to do something about it and that he would see it through. This was to be confirmed in writing. In December 2007 I made contact as I had not heard anything and the same manager promised me something would be done before Christmas (2007). He aslo told me that Redicrete had changed it's supplier for colouring agents and dispersants because the ones used on my job were of an inferior quality. more