Rod McLean Chiropractic
100 Bridge St
Waratah, NSW, 2298
Rod McLean Chiropractic
Say Goodbye to Pain and Say Hello to Living.Swap your Pain for Life. Rod McLean is an instructor in Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique, a gentle 'no crack' method that is ideal for babies from days old to people in their nineties and everyone in between.
The activator technique is Safe, Gentle & Effective for You.
Rod McLean has been in practice with 'no crack chiropractic for 26 years. Gentle adjustments your children will love.
With Rod McLean, Kinesiology & Energetics, tap into your systems to indicate where to start, where to stop and what direction of therapy will work best for you. This is Chiropractic and Body Mind in synch for you in Newcastle.
Phone 49676376 for your appointment.....say goodbye to pain and say hello to more