Specialist Medical Services
Spot4You & Spot4Kids
NSW, 2484
Spot4You & Spot4Kids
Spot4You & Spot4Kids - Optimising Ability Through Creative Therapy.With over two decades of speech pathology and occupational therapy experience with clients and their families, Spot4You is well equipped to manage a diverse range of clinical needs. We provide a large variety of services for both individual clients and schools.
Whilst we started predominantly as a paediatric service, Spot4You provides highly effective treatment for adults as well as for children.
Our therapists are primarily mobile therapists, servicing clients in their school, day care, nursing home or home environments. However, we do have clinics available at some of our locations. Visiting our clients in the environments in which they spend their time allows us to specifically target their needs in the most relevant way ...read more
Contact details
Opening Hours Detail
- Appointments Available
- By Appointment (Only)
- Flexible Hours by Appointment