Sunshine Coast Tutoring
Currently open
6:30 am - 7:00 pm
Mountain Creek
QLD, 4557
Sunshine Coast Tutoring
Quality tutors delivering a personalised serviceAt Sunshine Coast Tutoring we're passionate about education. That's why we only employ the very best tutors on the Sunshine Coast.
We cater for all age groups and abilities. We're completely flexible and offer a free initial consultation at your home.
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- BPay
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- All Cards Accepted
Cant recommend the team at Sunshine Coast Tutoring enough. I turned to them after seeing my eight year old daughter struggle for some time in Maths. It was apparent she had missed some fundamentals along the way but I could not help her no matter how I tried. Sunshine Coast Tutoring provided a highly personalised service and learning plan delivered on a one on one basis to ensure the fastest possible result. Our tutor is a qualified teacher and has connected with our daughter to get amazing results. Our Tutor has transformed our daughter from being fearful and lacking confidence to even have a go, to a competent confident student who is actually enjoying Maths. Her grade improved in a short time frame and we are looking forward to seeing even more improvement in the near future. As an unexpected bonus, we are also seeing positive spin offs in some of her other subjects and a much more confident and enthusiastic approach to things in general. ...read more