Tree of Life acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
Open today
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Shop 8, 124 Rowe St
Eastwood, NSW, 2122
Tree of Life acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
An ancient system of healing, with a history stretching back over 3000 years More than simply treating the problem. Restoring the overall balance.- Neck shoulder back pain, joint pain, muscle aches
- Sporting injuries: sprained ankles and knees, torn muscle and ligaments, bruises
- Asthma, hayfever, sinus problems, common cold, chronic cough
- Indigestion, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis
- Migraines, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and tiredness
- Stroke rehab, facial paralysis, circulatory problems
- Menstrual problems, menopausal problems, fertility enhancement
- Anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress related issues
- Skin problems
- Many other conditions. more
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