Wholistic Healing Acupuncture
Wholistic Healing Acupuncture
For a better quality of life! For Relief from: - Sports Injuries, Stress, General Aches and Pains, Insomnia, Headaches, Anxiety, Gynaecological & Digestive Problems, DepressionI am an acupuncturist with 20 years experience in the business.
I have trained in China, where I completed a Master of Medicine at the Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In order to complete this Master of Medicine, I worked in a Chinese hospital for 3 years and ran a clinical trial into acupuncture's effect in lowering Type 2 Diabetes blood sugar levels (HbA1c), with quite promising results.
AHPRA/CMBA registered.
AACMA member.
Private health insurance provider.
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