Supermarket & Grocery Stores
Woolworths Ltd
269 Main North Rd
Sefton Park, SA, 5083
Don't understand how 2 Woolworths are so close to each other! They need to upgrade their facilities like the updated Woolworths stores! They need the self-serve checkouts because there is many times I have been through the express checkout with a full trolley and there is no room to put items to scan because they don't open the full registers up which from a customers point of view is frustrating
Well I hope you realize express checkouts are for people with 10 items or less not a full trolley, and they always have at least 1 or 2 normal checkouts open because of people with full trolleys, and if there isn't one open then you should ask someone if they can open one up because it is inconsiderate to other shoppers when you go through the express lane and take ages to buy your shopping. It sorta takes the 'express' out of express lane.