Dr Hyonna Kang is the foremost practitioner in Australia of Constitutional Medicine. Constitutional Medicine acknowledges the differences between people, and treats each patient accordingly. Using Acupuncture in this way is a new and powerful approach that results in rapid improvement of a patient's complaints.
Constitutional Medicine can help with diet and weight issues, skin complaints, allergies, asthma, recurrent inflammation, chronic pain, arthritis, high or low blood pressure, headaches and migraines, infertility, menopause/menstrual problems, emotional imbalance, sleeping issues, and digestive dysfunction.
Dr Kang's passion is to help her patients with restoring harmony based on their constitutional characteristics. She practices Constitutional Acupuncture, which is a powerful method that results in rapid improvement of a patient's complaints.
Her enduring focus is on prevention, so she provides a personalised Constitutional Regimen to each patient after several treatments. This allows people to take control of their own health and prevent illness over the long term.
Dr Kang is currently undertaking postgraduate research in the field of Constitutional Medicine, for a Masters and PhD program at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
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