Acupuncture: An ancient way that used to treat blocking condition and enable the free flowing of body energy. Therefore, acupuncture is able to deal with pain conditions, hormonal imbalance and also encourages the recovery of body cells (for example, Cosmetic Acupuncture is able to help with fine-lines, wrinkles etc).
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Dealing with body organ disharmonies. When body organ is out of balance or the illness is prominent. The acupuncture (energy healing) is not strong enough to achieve therapeutic effect, accompanies with Chinese herbs would able to address the organ issues. For example: symptoms such as constipation conditions, with acupuncture, its able to rearrange the energy flowing in digestion track, however, promote bowel movement is important to release the pain or obstruction in digestion track, therefore, Chinese herbs that help to purge the bowel movement will apply.
Acupuncture: can be benefit for:
1. Pain issues (Neck & Shoulder pain, Lower back pain, sprain ankle)
2. Emotional issues such as Depression, Stress or anxiety
3. Women's Health (Period Pain, Irregular period, PMS)
4. Headache (Migraine)
5. Tendinitis (carpal tunnel syndrome etc)
6. Fertility Support
7. Enhance immunity
8. Weight Loss
Cosmetic Acupuncture: Natural way for Anti-Aging
1. Fine lines
2. Wrinkles
3. Pigmentation
4. Dry skin
5. Acne
6. Facial Paralysis
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Natural ingredient for general health issues
1. Irritable bowel syndrome
2. Immunity improve
3. Common cold/ flu / cough
4. Indigestion
5. Pain condition such as (liver pain, abdominal pain, period pain)
6. Headache
7. Lack of energy (glandular fever etc)
Health funds rebate available - acupuncture & cosmetic acupuncture
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