Our purpose:
Students who succeed in math Have more career opportunities, more chance for further education, Receive more positive regard from society, Develop confidence in their abilities. Giving these benefits to students is our mission.
Problems with how math is taught
Class size - limits how much attention your child receives, even from the most dedicated teachers.
It is rarely taught co-operatively - with partners, groups or teams. Yet to succeed at it, math requires a lot of discussion, feedback and reflection.
It is rarely taught strategically - and students don't learn how to learn mathematics or think mathematically, only to memorize formulas and processes. High level results are not achievable this way.
It is rarely taught with real world relevance - and math becomes even more distant from a student's daily life. Yet, making things relevant is one of the best ways to learn.
It is rarely taught globally - with the big picture in mind. It is usually taught in small microchunks. Relationships between topics are neglected and concepts become too fragmented to remember in a meaningful way.
It is rarely taught proactively - with teachers encouraging lots of questions and a deep thorough knowledge. The result is many, many gaps in knowledge that take their toll.
How we teach
1. Inner game - students are explicilty taught the right mindsets to succeed in math (motivation, attitude, confidence etc)
2. Outer game - we use the latest methods from educational psychology to facilitate the learning process, including practice tests under real test conditions.
3. TRI - Try it. Reflect on it. Improve it. This is our recursive and reflective process for improving our service by proactively reflecting on progress and seeking better methods.
4. We offer a success or money back guarantee. We are the ONLY math tutoring service to do so!
For a real explanation of inner and outer game and our method visit our website
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