Your subconscious mind knows All........
every thought, every feeling, every physical discomfort and dysfunction.
What if you could give it a voice?
Kinesiology does just that.......
with a simple muscle testing technique that bypasses intellectual thought processes, you can find out what is really going on inside you and how to fix it.
Muscle testing is non intrusive and identifies & corrects energy blockages within the body using a natural feedback system which supplies information via nerve pathways and the meridian system of the body.
Kinesiology deals with all aspects that are causing discomfort or imbalance. It will help you improve self esteem, wellbeing and performance in all areas of your life.
It can assist with pain, stress, worry, irritability, confusion, depressive tendencies, sabotages, negative thoughts, past or present traumas, suppressed emotions, female complaints, digestive disorders, fatigue & tiredness, back problems, muscle tension, learning disabilities, allergic responses, nervous disorders, mood swings, personal development & general wellbeing. Essentially, if the body is having some sort of difficulty, muscle testing can find it and deal with it.
Homeopathics, Shell & Bush Flower Essences, and/or Reiki are then used as required to integrate and continue the healing process.
Clinic Hours 9am - 5pm Monday - Wednesday.
EFTPOS not available....payment is by cash or cheque only.
Please ring or email for an appointment.
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