If you are suffering from the following, please call us. Obesity, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Chronic fatigue, Liver Detoxification, Thyroid, Allergies, Cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Muscle & Back Pain, Muscle & Bone loss, and Migraines. We also have programs for Anti Aging, and Stopping Smoking.
Most health problems are treatable with a common sense approach. This clinic provides individualised programs that address underlying causes to your particular health problems. Your first consultation includes a health analysis, a brief history of your complaint, possibly a small examination and the formulation of a recovery plan. First, we discuss your health concerns and goals, the lifestyle factors that are at play now, and any changes needed towards your recovery. If you have any recent blood tests or allergy tests please bring them along as they may be helpful to us. At all times I will keep you advised of the progress that is being made, so that you will have a good understanding of what is going on. This will help you in meeting your goals. Then I will work out a specific program to improve your health. Once an individualised therapy program has been established for YOU, you can put it into effect. Please don't delay getting better. Call me today.
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