Personalised acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for every individual using traditional methods and formula recipes. Focus areas include acute & chronic pain, addiction recovery, fertility, metabolic & digestive issues, women's & men's health.
Community acupuncture sessions run 3 days per week and cost $30 for every person, every time.
Aimed at creating a comfortable space where you can clearly understand what is going on with your health and the healing process, Central Highlands Pain & Wellbeing provides the self-management tools you need to help you feel strong and more empowered.
Alongside this, Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and bodywork are used, based on a combination of Classical traditional theory, modern research and clinical experience. Diet and lifestyle suggestions place some of the onus for healing with you, allowing you to actively participate in the creation of your own best version of yourself, with a helping hand from your experienced and registered practitioner.
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