Please refer above website for KINESIOLOGY services and healing on all levels and dimensions.
Marina is a qualified Kinesiology practitioner with 25 years experience and a member of the Australian Institute of Kinesiology in Victoria (A.I.K.)
Marina is gentle, loving, authentic in her approach, offering practical and genuine guidance and advice. This will empower you and propel you forward in the direction that not only you but others benefit from , so every body wins. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact Marina via email.
ARE YOU FEELING STUCK, FRUSTRATED, DEPRESSED, UNHAPPY, TIRED, RUN DOWN, ANXIOUS and would rather be feeling ALIVE, ALERT, HAPPY, PEACEFUL, , ABUNDANT, EMPOWERED, FULFILLED AND LOVING LIFE contact me to book an appointment (reading or healing). Open your world up to new possibilities and live your dream
Make You, Your Health & Wellbeing A Priority Today And
You have the Power to create your 'Heaven" on this Earth and touch and gift the world with your magic from your true spirit heart and essence. Open yourself to unlimited possibilities in every way and area of yourself and life.
We are all one and connected by our hearts and souls
Marina can help by offering a range of services, including:
Kinesiology and Neuro-training
Reiki healing and classes
Healing Head Massage
Goulding SleepTalk For Children
Spiritual and Intuitive Personal Guidance and counselling
NB: 24 Hour Cancellation Policy
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