Hello! My name is Cathy Bredemeyer and I am a naturopath and medicinal herbalist. I studied at the Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine and I've been in practice since 2012. I'm passionate about sharing the many benefits of natural medicine. I love empowering my clients with the knowledge and understanding of the simple changes they can make to improve their health and well-being. I provide high quality nutritional and herbal supplements and tinctures, homoeopathy, flower essences, iridology, diet advice and lifestyle recommendations in a relaxed and supportive setting. I can help you with a wide variety of health challenges, from acute infections such as flu or cystitis, to more entrenched conditions such as insomnia, depression, arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome. I offer my services at an accessible fee and health rebates are available for my consults from private health insurance. I am a member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association and the National Herbalists Association of Australia. Feel free to call me with your questions, and I will endeavour to assist you!
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