We offer naturopathy, acupuncture, Dorn spinal therapy. Healing pathways for fast effective, pain relief, fertility and IVF enhancement, Lose weight for life, weight loss, depression to happiness, anxiety to calm, menopause, hormones, hormonal issues, PMS, menstrual flooding, painful periods, fatigue. IBS, back pain, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, ADHD, autism, IBS
Clinical Naturopathy is supporting your body's natural design to heal and re-balance itself using specialised nutrients, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle advice based in science. At Feel Better Now, we use the latest and most accurate pathology tests for blood, saliva for hormones and hair mineral analysis for toxicity, as well as cellular health analysis testing and iris analysis (iridology). Naturopathic assessments explore the underlying causes and devise a treatment plan that is effective and practical for your individual situation.
As award winning naturopathic practitioners, we use gentle, scientifically based natural therapies to help you on your way to better health. These include:
Naturopathy - Assessing all your body systems and uncovering the underlying cause of why you feel unwell.
Herbal Medicine - Using plant based tinctures (herbal extracts in a liquid form) that have been proven to be effective.
Acupuncture and Dry Needling ? using fine sterile needles to stimulate your body?s healing.
Nutrition - Helping you make healthy and healing choices about what goes in to your body, whether it is to restore healthy digestion and resolve any embarrassing problems that usually go with that, reduce bloating or to lose weight.
Dorn Spinal Therapy, gently working with your body using movements to persuade vertebrae into their correct natural position, re-balancing leg length and correcting hip position. No crunching or cracking!
Counselling, helping individuals, couples and families resolve their past, enjoy their present and plan their future.
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