We save you money by streamlining your accounts and business operations, reducing your accounting fees and inefficiencies in your accounting procedures. We also provide you with relevant, up to date business information so that you can make business decisions based on fact, not 'gut-feel'.
Our bookkeepers have worked for decades with a huge range of business types. They can deal with complex transactions and will produce accounts that give you up to date, reliable information.
Our services include:
* Data entry
* Reconciliation of accounts - bank, credit card, superannuation, PAYG, loans
* Accounts Receivable - invoicing, statements and debt reminders
* Accounts Payable - bill entry, reconciliation to creditor statements, preparation of payment files/cheques
* Dealing with imports and multiple currency
* Dealing with inventory
* Payroll - pay runs, tracking leave, end of year payment summaries
* Compliance - BAS, IAS, payroll tax, workcover, superannuation
We are registered BAS agents and members of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, so you can be assured of our expertise.
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