Smarter Barter is a barter exchange that started in Sydney as an alternative barter system that embraces the benefits of traditional barter, whilst encouraging more retail members to barter by introducing a part trade and part cash option to help cover the cash cost of products to be bartered.
Members enjoy free membership, zero admin fees, a Smarter Barter Card and an interest free line of credit to allow members trade barter immediately with fellow members. Our focus is helping members use barter to help grow their business; our low transaction fees make Smarter Barter a powerful tool for any pro-active business to utilise, without the need to inflate prices to compensate for large fees, and we help guide members in all ways how to barter effectively.
Our website at allows Members to freely advertise their products or services on barter, and control the volume and when they barter with fellow Smarter Barter Members either online, or off-line using their Smarter Barter Card.
In almost all cases, a Smarter Barter trade is a sale that would have gone to your competition, every time a Member barters, unsold appointments are filled, or products bartered to boost the Member�s buying power and cash flow.
Once you know and understand how to use this concept, you too can begin using it without risk and without having to sacrifice any of your existing cah sales!
No matter what business you're in, the Smarter Barter concept is a powerful money making strategy.
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