We are Mail Order Stamp Dealers of Australian stamps and have been so for over 30 years. We are members of APTA (Australian Philatelic Traders Association) & APS (American Philatelic Society).We have been operating this Tax Benefit Program successfully for the past 15 years. Click on OUR SERVICE to learn more.We obtain stamps, mostley Australian stamps, from various sources. We catalogue the stamps using the IRS approved Scott catalogue and put together a US$30,000 catalogue value package with a full inventory stating quantities, Scott numbers and values. This will assist your appraiser and save time.Your then donate the stamps to a charity and claim your tax benefit. It's as simple as that!You can order more than one US$30,000 package, subject to availability.If you are in the 25% or more tax bracket each US$30,000 catalogue valued pack will save you $5,500 net.
WANT TO REDUCE YOUR TAXES?If you are interested in saving money we have the means to make it happen by reducing your tax liability.This is an exclusive service as we have access to quantities of stamps for this purpose.However, there is a limit! We can only accommodate, on a yearly basis, a limited number of clients.The interesting thing about this "product" is that it costs you nothing, instead it will make you money since a US$30,000 Scott catalogue valued box of stamps donated to a charity - if you are in the 25% tax group - will give you a deduction of approximately US$7,5000 or a net amount of US$5,500 after costs. And the price? A mere US$2,000 which includes, airmail postage and packaging costs, insurance and a full inventory.If you miss out on joining our exclusive program this year, don't give up there could be a spot for you next year.Email us your details and we will notify you when a spot becomes available. THERE ARE MANY CHARITIES ONLINE ADVERTISING FOR SUCH DONATIONS OR ASK YOUR ACCOUNTANT/TAX ADVISOR FOR ADVICE
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