Open 3 PM to 5 PM Wed, Thurs, Fri afternoons for young people 12 to 18 years - other times vary by appointment.
Provide a safe supervised environment for young people of Gloucester Shire to connect with services & socialize - co-ordinate a group of community volunteers to assist with supervision - Working with Children checks apply - supervisors must be over 21, parents welcome to apply as volunteers.
* Information, support & Referral for young people 12 to 18 years - Someone to talk to,
* Living with Teens program for parents/carers of young people.
* Skills based activites/workshops through the service or in partnership with other community organisations .
* Youth Development Officer (YDO) - Sheryl Tester available for Information, support & referral currently - 3 PM to 5 PM Wed, Thurs, Fri afternoons.
* Youth Advisory Team (YAT) meets monthly - March to Dec during the school term, advises YDO and Council on youth issues, interests & needs.
Team consists of Student Representative Council reps, Gloucester High School staff, local Health & Welfare workers, Police, Ministers Fraternal & YDO.
Please note we are currently looking for a new space for a Connecting Youth - Meeting space and the YDO has a temporary office available to see young people at Council 3 PM to 5 PM Wed, Thurs, Friday - Railway street entrance.
* Parent /Guardians who wish to register for Parenting Teens Programs - Phone 65385250 or message [email protected] and leave your contact details or
LIKE - Gloucester Youth Centre facebook page and inbox.
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