You can use Baby Sign Language to communicate with your pre-verbal baby. It is recommended to begin using Baby Signs from 4 months of age to obtain the most benefit from baby signing. At 4 months of age, your Toddler won't have the dexterity to be able to sign back to you, however they will be fascinated by the Baby signs that you are using with them. At this age, it will only take them a few days to recognize the Babysigns that you are using and associate them with words. This one way method of communication has wonderful benefits and provides the Toddler with security knowing what you are communicating to them. The next stage of learning Baby signing comes a few months later around the same age that your toddler can hold a rattle. This stage is when they first begin to copy your Baby signing and they first begin to use the Baby signs themselves. If you have only been using a few Baby signs up until this point they are inclined to use a simple sign such as the sign for milk, more or sleep. These are some of the most useful baby sign language signs to teach to your Toddler and once they can sign these you will be able to enjoy two way communications with your baby or toddler.
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