The Better Life Chiropractic Center utilises a modern form of chiropractic known as Network Chiropractic. We are one of very few clinics in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne that provide this service.
With Network there is no cracking or crunching of the spine and related joints. Instead, gentle, light touch contacts are made to tissues overlying the spine and pelvis at physiologically important locations known as spinal gateways. The process is gentle and relaxing and has helped many people with back pain, neck pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, growing pains, compartment syndrome (shin splints) and many other problems.
There are, of course, many approaches to dealing with these types of problems, so why would one choose Network chiropractic?
Apart from being gentle and relaxing, the Network process progressively releases adverse mechanical spinal cord tension. That's a bit of a mouthful so just use nervous system (NS) tension. We'll come back to this in a moment.
For just one example, we know that approx. 70% of back pain conditions are due to strain (or tearing) of muscles and/or tendons in the back which in turn results from excessive tension in those muscles.
When a muscle is excessively tense then it is like a rubber band that is stretched out to just before breaking point - and if you stretch it just a bit more it breaks. Likewise with an excessively tense muscle, if you move the wrong way or too fast, or lift something bit heavy, that can place extra strain on the muscle and cause it to tear to become "strained."
The amount of tension in the muscles is strongly affected by NS tension. By releasing the NS tension, muscles throughout the body, relax back towards their normal resting tone and become much less likely to sustain an injury. If the muscle is already injured, releasing the strain allows it to heal more efficiently and effectively.
And you feel better more quickly!
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