Dentist Ballarat - Oak Tree - is an established family dental practice in Ballarat that offers all aspects of general dentistry.
We are a genuine and honest team that will provide quality dental care for your entire family.
We provide the following services.
White and Silver Fillings, pain relief, emergency appointments, root canal treatment, crowns and bridges, sleep appliances, mouth guards, dentures, routine examinations, cleaning/scaling, children's dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening, sleep dentistry, wisdom teeth extraction, removal of teeth, porcelain veneers and other aspects of general dentistry.
We accept and bulk bill VEDS, VDGS, Veterans Affairs and the Child Dental Benefit Scheme.
Visit our webpage or call the surgery to speak to one of our friendly staff.
Read our dental blog on our webpage for informative dental advice by one of our own dentists Dr. Jess.
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