CERTIFICATIONS: Electrical Licence EC(WA) 10771 | CEC Approved Solar Retailer | CEC Certified Installer | Tesla Certified Installer | SMA PowerUp Partner | Fronius Solutions Partner | LG Certified Dealer | QCells Q.Partner | REC Certified Solar Professional | Jinko Certified Installer | Enphase Preferred Installer | Suntech Certified Installer | SENEC Certified Installer | Soluna Certified Installer.
PSW staff refine the development of superior technology blends from essentially the BEST place you need to see before buying a solar, battery or energy system!
The remarkable PSW Energy Technology & Research Centre in Perth, WA. Expect a wider, yet more affordable, selection of guaranteed power supplies no home or business should be without, built to save more. Our staff are local, technical experts here to ensure you get the most for your money.
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